Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A reaction to: Class Discussion "For or Against builing the Mosque"

I enjoyed this discussion because it gave me new point of views to think about. In the beginning I was in the middle (undecided), but by the end I was convinced by the conversations we had. As it is now I think I am back in the middle because this is a very sensitive subject and in the end they should do what the majority wants to, just to keep the peace with everyone. I thought it was very interesting to see a lot of people in the middle at the beginning of the discussion and how it shifted to the majority of people “for building the mosque” at the end. This means that the argument “for building the mosque” made stronger points to persuade the audience. Here is where I stand, if someone asked what my opinion
was on this subject I would say personally I would have no problem with Muslims building a Mosque near ground zero. But considering that many people took it as an offence I would have to be realistic and say that it is impossible to change their mind and since this subject has become so delicate I would simply build it somewhere less controversial for the safety of everyone. This being said the only reason I did not shift to “against building it” was because the arguments for “not building the mosque” in my opinion were not accurate or reliable, they were simply opinions based on personal preferences and religious biases. In the end the strength of each argument is what made me decided on what side I stood. This taught me how important it is to watch carefully what I say and how I say it, to get my point across and avoid misunderstandings.
-Brenda Delfino

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