Monday, February 28, 2011

'My People Love Me': Moammar Gadhafi Denies Demonstrations Against Him Anywhere in Libya

TRIPOLI, Libya, Feb. 28, 2011

Gadhafi denied using his air force to attack protesters but said planes had bombed military sites and ammunition depots. He also denied there had been demonstrations and said young people were given drugs by al-Qaida and therefore took to the streets.

The uprising that began Feb. 15 has posed most serious challenge to Gadhafi in his more than four decades in power. His bloody crackdown has left hundreds, and perhaps thousands, dead.

"They love me. All my people with me, they love me," he said. "They will die to protect me, my people."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

American in Libya: ‘Our city is free’

“Today, I am proud to be Libya(n) and from Misurata. To see people stand together, united in the face of uncertain times, is amazing.”

QOW education

I would rate my education a 7 because I believe it has many useful tools to help students learn. This country has the capability and more money compared to other coutries to offer the best education. I would not rate the education in the United States any higher because I believe it has an enormous gap between high school and College and students do not graduate with the required skills to graduate. In my personal experience this system of education works for me because I am intrested in learning, I enjoy it and take advantage of the experience. I would also not rate it any higher because I dont believe in those tests that the government gives to check progress, or to measure our knowledge, honestly a test score simply measures what facts you remember at the moment you are taking the test and it does not go any more further than that. As a closing statement I believe this country has a ground and nesessary tools to have great eduacation for children but they are lacking skills to teach and programs to motivate and help students learn to learn.

Student accused of plotting to bomb Bush home

A 20-year-old Saudi student has been charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and may have targeted former President George W. Bush, the Justice Department said Thursday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A reaction to: Class Discussion "For or Against builing the Mosque"

I enjoyed this discussion because it gave me new point of views to think about. In the beginning I was in the middle (undecided), but by the end I was convinced by the conversations we had. As it is now I think I am back in the middle because this is a very sensitive subject and in the end they should do what the majority wants to, just to keep the peace with everyone. I thought it was very interesting to see a lot of people in the middle at the beginning of the discussion and how it shifted to the majority of people “for building the mosque” at the end. This means that the argument “for building the mosque” made stronger points to persuade the audience. Here is where I stand, if someone asked what my opinion
was on this subject I would say personally I would have no problem with Muslims building a Mosque near ground zero. But considering that many people took it as an offence I would have to be realistic and say that it is impossible to change their mind and since this subject has become so delicate I would simply build it somewhere less controversial for the safety of everyone. This being said the only reason I did not shift to “against building it” was because the arguments for “not building the mosque” in my opinion were not accurate or reliable, they were simply opinions based on personal preferences and religious biases. In the end the strength of each argument is what made me decided on what side I stood. This taught me how important it is to watch carefully what I say and how I say it, to get my point across and avoid misunderstandings.
-Brenda Delfino

What GOP budget cuts say about party priorities

The House will be voting this week on a Republican bill, called a “continuing resolution” or CR, to cut $100 billion from President Barack Obama’s funding request for programs for the remaining seven months of this fiscal year
Tom Curry

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Navigating the budget battles to come

A staggering $3.7 trillion in federal spending this year and nearly that much next year — how can Congress keep track of where it all goes?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This is a song by The Black Keys. The name of this song is These Days

I heard of this band not too long ago and I fell in love with their Indie Rock/Blue's sound. Dan Auerbach is in the vocals and guitar, I find him absolutely clever:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mubarak still in power as government, opposition talk

CAIRO — President Hosni Mubarak held onto power Monday, defying a popular uprising against his autocratic rule, after the government opened talks with opposition groups to resolve Egypt's deepest crisis in 30 years.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that Egypt must respect the rights of both protesters and journalists covering the protests, and an immediate and peaceful transition of power.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Wordle: Life

Constitution: has each and every right we posses as Americans. Any reform or progress spoken in the SOTU has to continuously look back at this ancient piece of our government that maintains a balance for no one to abuse power.
Leaders: The leaders of our country are not just Politicians. I see our country led by the idea of self interest and also led by the media.
Duty: The biggest duty that Obama has as a president is to maintain a moving economy and try to fix controversial topics without adding on to our nation’s debt.
Progress: Obama constantly spoke of progress. He promised this in the elections and now he has to make his words reality, in my opinion making changes in the military and health care are a big step to progress.
Succeed: For this country to have a successful future it needs the participation of all its citizens, the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Union: People tempt to focus on what makes us different, they build barriers and drift further away from each other, the SOTU’s attempt to mix republicans with democrats was an honest attempt to pass along the idea of unity.
Allies: In order for this country to stay on top, it needs to maintain peace and respect towards all its allies. We should not give other countries a good reason to hate us; one way would be eliminating the abuse of power.
All: This word has a lot of significance for me because it unites every individual into one country, all Americans are of the same importance and Obama needed to get that message across, which he did, by mentioning specific people that make a difference with very little.
Marchers: It is always difficult for the government to handle protests and marchers because they have to respect their point of view but at the same time try to bring peace all around.
Convictions: Obama’s entire career is centered on convictions, he has to do everything possible to convince the majority of Americans what is best for the country, I believe in the SOTU he convinced many that to move forward we need to unite.
Disagreements: These may in a way be positive to keep balance between powers and make this country a democracy, but disagreements may get out of hands and turn into ugly violence.
Fears: I believe the ultimate factor that prevents growth is fear; Insecurities and fear of the unknown.
Prevail: This word makes me think of triumph, Obama used this word to make people imagine a positive and victorious future.
Debt: This is one of the hardest subjects to deal with because every movement or change this country makes has to see how it will affect our debt. Obama in this speech promised that every change was going to lower the debt.
Poverty: I believe Americans had forgotten what it feels to suffer through a recession; many are now realizing what living in poverty really means.
Life: Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the principles this country lives for. I believe out of these three, life is a gift, liberty and happiness a right.
Communities: I liked how Obama mentioned many small communities around the country and set them as an example of excellence and hard work.
College: College is another issue for the youth in America, it gets difficult to pay in this time of recession and I believe many where waiting for Obama to see what his plan on that was, he spoke a lot about education but no specifically the way he would make it better.
Children: In the SOTU Obama focused a lot in children and how they are the future and the hope for a better America, he brought the point that education needed more of our attention.
Change: This is the word that Obama used for his campaign as the president of the United States. We all desperately want to see some of that change.
Challenges: One of the challenges that Obama mentioned in the SOTU is the limited amount of spending we have as a country and the investments we still need to make.
Hope: This speech gave me hope because it made me feel I was in good hands and I actually got to see that there are people out there doing things right.
Job: We need to create more jobs in these times of needs, it saddens me to see young adults graduating from college and being unemployed with a degree in hands.
Future: The future we are longing to see is in our hands, we need to make the change now to see good results in the future.
Aspirations: Our aspirations should not only focus in individual fulfillment but it should also be more focused on the positive impact it can create to people surrounding us.
Adversity: I believe that Obama made it clear we are in times of adversity, actually I believe there has never been a time without adversity, but it is up to us to recognize this and be more unified now.
Encouraged: Like it was spoken in the SOTU tragic events should not be used to weaken us, instead to encourage us to change our ways.
Woman: I believe behind every good man there is a good woman… that is all I have to say about that.
Spirit: Our spirits may be shattered from all the violence and darkness surrounding us, but these things can also make our spirits stronger to withstand any storm.
Strong: America should stand strongly to its core values of freedom and equality, it is the only chance to survive.
Strength: I believe Obama made a powerful speech to strengthen his authority as president and re state that we are in good hands.
Together: The only way to accomplish anything is if the people stand together.
Constitution: has each and every right we posses as Americans. Any reform or progress spoken in the SOTU has to continuously look back at this ancient piece of our government that maintains a balance for no one to abuse power.
Leaders: The leaders of our country are not just Politicians. I see our country led by the idea of self interest and also led by the media.
Duty: The biggest duty that Obama has as a president is to maintain a moving economy and try to fix controversial topics without adding on to our nation’s debt.
Progress: Obama constantly spoke of progress. He promised this in the elections and now he has to make his words reality, in my opinion making changes in the military and health care are a big step to progress.
Succeed: For this country to have a successful future it needs the participation of all its citizens, the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Union: People tempt to focus on what makes us different, they build barriers and drift further away from each other, the SOTU’s attempt to mix republicans with democrats was an honest attempt to pass along the idea of unity.
Allies: In order for this country to stay on top, it needs to maintain peace and respect towards all its allies. We should not give other countries a good reason to hate us; one way would be eliminating the abuse of power.
All: This word has a lot of significance for me because it unites every individual into one country, all Americans are of the same importance and Obama needed to get that message across, which he did, by mentioning specific people that make a difference with very little.
Marchers: It is always difficult for the government to handle protests and marchers because they have to respect their point of view but at the same time try to bring peace all around.
Convictions: Obama’s entire career is centered on convictions, he has to do everything possible to convince the majority of Americans what is best for the country, I believe in the SOTU he convinced many that to move forward we need to unite.
Disagreements: These may in a way be positive to keep balance between powers and make this country a democracy, but disagreements may get out of hands and turn into ugly violence.
Fears: I believe the ultimate factor that prevents growth is fear; Insecurities and fear of the unknown.
Prevail: This word makes me think of triumph, Obama used this word to make people imagine a positive and victorious future.
Debt: This is one of the hardest subjects to deal with because every movement or change this country makes has to see how it will affect our debt. Obama in this speech promised that every change was going to lower the debt.
Poverty: I believe Americans had forgotten what it feels to suffer through a recession; many are now realizing what living in poverty really means.
Life: Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the principles this country lives for. I believe out of these three, life is a gift, liberty and happiness a right.
Communities: I liked how Obama mentioned many small communities around the country and set them as an example of excellence and hard work.
College: College is another issue for the youth in America, it gets difficult to pay in this time of recession and I believe many where waiting for Obama to see what his plan on that was, he spoke a lot about education but no specifically the way he would make it better.
Children: In the SOTU Obama focused a lot in children and how they are the future and the hope for a better America, he brought the point that education needed more of our attention.
Change: This is the word that Obama used for his campaign as the president of the United States. We all desperately want to see some of that change.
Challenges: One of the challenges that Obama mentioned in the SOTU is the limited amount of spending we have as a country and the investments we still need to make.
Hope: This speech gave me hope because it made me feel I was in good hands and I actually got to see that there are people out there doing things right.
Job: We need to create more jobs in these times of needs, it saddens me to see young adults graduating from college and being unemployed with a degree in hands.
Future: The future we are longing to see is in our hands, we need to make the change now to see good results in the future.
Aspirations: Our aspirations should not only focus in individual fulfillment but it should also be more focused on the positive impact it can create to people surrounding us.
Adversity: I believe that Obama made it clear we are in times of adversity, actually I believe there has never been a time without adversity, but it is up to us to recognize this and be more unified now.
Encouraged: Like it was spoken in the SOTU tragic events should not be used to weaken us, instead to encourage us to change our ways.
Woman: I believe behind every good man there is a good woman… that is all I have to say about that.
Spirit: Our spirits may be shattered from all the violence and darkness surrounding us, but these things can also make our spirits stronger to withstand any storm.
Strong: America should stand strongly to its core values of freedom and equality, it is the only chance to survive.
Strength: I believe Obama made a powerful speech to strengthen his authority as president and re state that we are in good hands.
TogConstitution: has each and every right we posses as Americans. Any reform or progress spoken in the SOTU has to continuously look back at this ancient piece of our government that maintains a balance for no one to abuse power.
Leaders: The leaders of our country are not just Politicians. I see our country led by the idea of self interest and also led by the media.
Duty: The biggest duty that Obama has as a president is to maintain a moving economy and try to fix controversial topics without adding on to our nation’s debt.
Progress: Obama constantly spoke of progress. He promised this in the elections and now he has to make his words reality, in my opinion making changes in the military and health care are a big step to progress.
Succeed: For this country to have a successful future it needs the participation of all its citizens, the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Union: People tempt to focus on what makes us different, they build barriers and drift further away from each other, the SOTU’s attempt to mix republicans with democrats was an honest attempt to pass along the idea of unity.
Allies: In order for this country to stay on top, it needs to maintain peace and respect towards all its allies. We should not give other countries a good reason to hate us; one way would be eliminating the abuse of power.
All: This word has a lot of significance for me because it unites every individual into one country, all Americans are of the same importance and Obama needed to get that message across, which he did, by mentioning specific people that make a difference with very little.
Marchers: It is always difficult for the government to handle protests and marchers because they have to respect their point of view but at the same time try to bring peace all around.
Convictions: Obama’s entire career is centered on convictions, he has to do everything possible to convince the majority of Americans what is best for the country, I believe in the SOTU he convinced many that to move forward we need to unite.
Disagreements: These may in a way be positive to keep balance between powers and make this country a democracy, but disagreements may get out of hands and turn into ugly violence.
Fears: I believe the ultimate factor that prevents growth is fear; Insecurities and fear of the unknown.
Prevail: This word makes me think of triumph, Obama used this word to make people imagine a positive and victorious future.
Debt: This is one of the hardest subjects to deal with because every movement or change this country makes has to see how it will affect our debt. Obama in this speech promised that every change was going to lower the debt.
Poverty: I believe Americans had forgotten what it feels to suffer through a recession; many are now realizing what living in poverty really means.
Life: Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the principles this country lives for. I believe out of these three, life is a gift, liberty and happiness a right.
Communities: I liked how Obama mentioned many small communities around the country and set them as an example of excellence and hard work.
College: College is another issue for the youth in America, it gets difficult to pay in this time of recession and I believe many where waiting for Obama to see what his plan on that was, he spoke a lot about education but no specifically the way he would make it better.
Children: In the SOTU Obama focused a lot in children and how they are the future and the hope for a better America, he brought the point that education needed more of our attention.
Change: This is the word that Obama used for his campaign as the president of the United States. We all desperately want to see some of that change.
Challenges: One of the challenges that Obama mentioned in the SOTU is the limited amount of spending we have as a country and the investments we still need to make.
Hope: This speech gave me hope because it made me feel I was in good hands and I actually got to see that there are people out there doing things right.
Job: We need to create more jobs in these times of needs, it saddens me to see young adults graduating from college and being unemployed with a degree in hands.
Future: The future we are longing to see is in our hands, we need to make the change now to see good results in the future.
Aspirations: Our aspirations should not only focus in individual fulfillment but it should also be more focused on the positive impact it can create to people surrounding us.
Adversity: I believe that Obama made it clear we are in times of adversity, actually I believe there has never been a time without adversity, but it is up to us to recognize this and be more unified now.
Encouraged: Like it was spoken in the SOTU tragic events should not be used to weaken us, instead to encourage us to change our ways.
Woman: I believe behind every good man there is a good woman… that is all I have to say about that.
Spirit: Our spirits may be shattered from all the violence and darkness surrounding us, but these things can also make our spirits stronger to withstand any storm.
Strong: America should stand strongly to its core values of freedom and equality, it is the only chance to survive.
Strength: I believe Obama made a powerful speech to strengthen his authority as president and re state that we are in good hands.
Together: The only way to accomplish anything is if the people stand together.
President: Obama has a strong presence as president and in my opinion he is the best president when it comes to speeches.
Unemployment: with the recession, unemployment is the first thing the government needs to fight off and it my opinion it has gotten better.
Afford: There are many things we cannot afford right now, but the greatest is paying the price of complaints and missing out on growth.
Time: Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery and today a gift, that why they called it present.
Growing: Growth requires sacrifice that many have to be willing to take to see results.
Possible: I believe it is possible for controversies to be settled.
Tonight: Obama spoke of tonight, to remind everyone to live in the present and to for a moment forget anything else, but that moment in time.
Taxes: Taxes are going to be raised for the rich, I agree.
Education: Is one of Obama’s biggest plan of investment, I believe this is the best investment we could ever make.
Bill: Our Bill of rights has helped America maintain order, balance and safety since it became free.
Blaming: We have to stop blaming each other! If there is anyone to blame is ourselves. If we want to see change in the outside, we first need to change in the inside.
Healthcare: Although many refuse to the new health care plan, I agree with Obama that we need to move forward and risk changes.
Reform: This is the first president that has turned the health care reform into real law, props to that.
Soldiers: In the SOTU Obama promised that our soldiers were coming back home, and that this war was going to be over.
social security: Social security is one of the things that Obama spoke on making cuts on.
War: In my opinion war will never be over, because the battle never ends within us, the battle wont end in the outside, we are in constant warfare.