Sunday, March 20, 2011

Class Reflection on Education

Last wednesday we had a class discussion on Education and I was glad to hear that many of my peers feel the same way about school. I think the main conclusion we brought out was that we feel schools should raise their academic standards and force kids to reach their highest potential. I think that everyone in the discussion seemed to be on the same side concerning higher standards for high school requirements. I personally spoke about my struggle in math and how i somehow got away through the system with completing the minimum requirements but in the end feeling like I had not learned enough. I dont feel preprared for college math and I know this will be a struggle for me. The biggest Question is how to solve this issues we have with education in the United States and honestly I dont have an applicable solution. In my opinion the culture or lack of culture in the United States is what leaves many without an identity. Feeling as not belonging to a place gives people a lack of incentive to progress, move forward, and have the need to make a positive change in society. But I guess this is the price the United States pays for being number one and keeping power thanks to taking in the best of all countries. If somehow this place offered a stable groud for people to serve as a duty and not a decision i believe we would have less problems. Overall I believe the offorts for solution are not in vain and slowly with gradual change public education may reach back all the respect it has lost.

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